Evermore Sunset Octane Flower 3.5g
Total Cannabinoids: 32.58%
- THC: 0.511%
- THCa: 30.37%
- CBG: 0.133%
- CBGa: 1.157%
Total Terpenes: 3.648%
- a-Pinene: 0.169%
- Limonene: 1.012%
- b-Myrcene: 1.097%
- b-Pinene: 0.215%
- Ocimene: 0.098%
- Linalool: 0.283%
- Humulene: 0.139%
- b-Caryophyllene: 0.426%
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Evermore Cannabis Company
Evermores innovative medical cannabis products are created using proprietary techniques. Lab testing ensures that their products create safe consistent and repeatable results for their patients.